
Kiwi Green Apple Granita

Kiwi Green Apple Granita
Prep Time
1h 30 min
8 servings

Called Granita in Italian, Granité in French – it’s just an ice. As you freeze the mixture, frequently stir the granite mixture to break up the ice crystals so the final texture when fully frozen is granular. Kiwi and green apple together is so refreshing!



ripe kiwis, peeled and ends cored
large Granny Smith apples, skin on, cored, chopped (2 cups chopped) (250 ml)
Juice of half a lemon
cup apple juice (150 ml)
cup granulated sugar (75 ml)


Step 1

Puree apples and lemon juice in food processor then add kiwis, sugar, and apple juice. Pulse to combine. Transfer to a shallow pan or baking dish. Place on a flat surface in freezer for 1 hour or until begins to freeze. Remove from freezer and stir well with fork, breaking up the mixture so that no chunks remain. Return to freezer for a further 1/2 hour and repeat stirring process. Repeat this procedure until mixture has completely crystallized from the stirring and freezing. Keep frozen until ready to serve. To serve, scoop out granita into tall chilled glasses.

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